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  • Writer's picturejemsbarco

Our year at Pearson comes to a close

Back in 2021, we were delighted to be the successful applicants on the Pearson 'start-up in residence' scheme. This was originally meant to run for a year, but due to COVID the scheme was extended and has recently come to a close.

As a part of the scheme we had access to an office space at 190 High Holborn, London and attended networking opportunities with potential interns and other businesses, all of which have been great experiences. As co-founders we presented our business to the entire faculty (over 100 staff), were judges on a Dragons Den panel and supported students with their own start-up businesses.

We have been lucky enough to supply non-alcoholic fizz and donuts to Pearson staff, students and potential students at an array of events, from open days and staff socials to networking sessions. We are grateful to Pearson and in particular their Escape Studios programme for allowing us to be a part of their team and look forward to continuing to work together.

Jamie & Em
JEM's Bar Co.
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